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Fundamental mindset shift needed in debt capital markets

January 5, 2021

Green Assets Wallet presents at ESG-Impact Day Sweden
Cecilia Repinski, CEO Green Assets Wallet believes we need to fundamentally rethink how we do business in debt capital markets.

With COP26 well under way and climate finance under the lens of scrutiny, CEO of Green Assets Wallet Cecilia Repinski took to the stage at ESG Impact Day- Sweden on 26 October 2021, in Stockholm. Cecilia talked about the fundamental shift needed in debt capital markets to finance a credible transition for a more sustainable future for all.

Green Assets Wallet has been a pioneer in terms of developing a space for debt capital market players that want to link their impact to the real economy. Cecilia and her team have foreseen this early on: Only by shifting fundamentally how we do business, can we truly make a difference in financing the climate transition.

Green Assets Wallet has been a pioneer in terms of developing a space for debt capital market players that want to link their impact to the real economy.

Cecilia Repinski CEO and Founder Green Assets Wallet

Green Assets Wallet: Developing an impact ecosystem with true value
GAW has a solid leadership team that together with tech developers, advisors, consultants and finance and sustainability experts have come together as a company to ramp up capital flows needed to finance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Together, they are creating an interactive ecosystem of issuers, investors, validators, financial intermediaries, project owners, sovereigns and other debt capital market actors of sustainable assets. On the GAW platform these actors can access data transparently and will be able to make use of these impact narratives in ways that are meaningful for the market.

Only by changing fundamentally how we do business, can we truly make a difference and finance the climate transition.

Cecilia Repinski CEO and Founder Green Assets Wallet
Dennis Kummer / Unsplash

ESG-Impact Day – Only together can we win this race
GAW was in good company with key players, such as Nasdaq Europe, Danish PFA Pension’s Head of Sustainability and influencer Sasja Beslik, Trifilon, Handelsbanken and many others that took to the stage at ESG Impact Day.

The GAW platform is becoming a powerful catalyst that is fundamentally shifting how to do business in debt capital markets. Green Assets Wallet’s vision is for a global impact investment community to interact in ways never seen before.

The world-leading GAW interface will allow all actors to be part of this impact journey towards a more sustainable and prosperous Earth.

Cecilia Repinski CEO and Founder Green Assets Wallet
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