Trust your instincts. Believe in yourself. And remember to have fun. Those are the words Cecilia tells us when she is asked what she would advise upcoming women entrepreneurs.
Cecilia Repinski one of five most influential women in finance
September 15, 2021
As Cecilia is listed among five most influential women in finance by InsightsSuccess Magazine, we cannot hope but wonder if the voice of her visionary work in driving a sustainable capital transition has finally gone beyond the spheres of the fintech scene.
Trust your instincts. Believe in yourself. And remember to have fun.
Cecilia Repinski CEO and Founder Green Assets WalletCecilia has put endless hours and commitment into bringing key leaders in finance together to drive a sustainable transition. In simple words it means to bring more capital and faster to where it is needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and reach the targets in the Paris Agreement.
Cecilia is driven by a vision of a sustainable and prosperous future, where impact investing no longer is a buzzword but becomes the normality.
Today, GAW is a unique one-stop solution for validating and reporting on financial impact. It connects investors and issuers while enabling transparent and trustworthy showcasing of impact data of sustainable assets.
All our users, whether investors or issuers or validators, they all share the common desire to do better.
Cecilia Repinski CEO and Founder Green Assets WalletIn merely a year the company has grown to 15 staff, all of which share the same purpose and vision of a future sustainable truth. A dedicated team of impact analysts, developers, communicators and strategists support issuers and investors to get the most of the impact platform.
We set the benchmark for efficiency on how impactful asset allocation is showcased and compared.
Join our growing community of ESG-actors and become a transparency leader in the world of impact.